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Thecitizenship education education has been gaining momentum and is taking a firm spot in the forefront of formal education​ moving from “an extra” to the core of curricula. In order to become active citizens, schools and teachers have to give students opportunities in order to develop citizenship competences in diverse contexts.

Allowing students to reflect and critically assess connections within these contexts can help them to take action related to national and global issues. In particular, there is a need for assessment methods that captures the complexity of citizenship education and its multifaceted competences.
An important innovation in this area would therefore be to map and develop specific tools and methods that are used to assess these citizenship competences..

Assessment for Learning in Citizenship Education

The Project

ALiCE Erasmus+ KA2, proposes the collaborative development of a framework for assessment, with a main focus on formative assessment, in the context ofcitizenship education across Europe. We will focus on screening the diversity of how citizenship education is integrated into local curricula, which learning goals are put forward, and how assessment practices are and can be used to facilitate learning in citizenship education.
Every Nation who works on the project will analyze great enthusiasm discuss about how citizenship education is present in their schools, comparing their experience with others and trying to understand the impact of this discipline will have on their future citizens.

Goals and results

The project will focus on producing four interconnected intellectual outputs::
1) a framework that takes a comparative perspective education
across member states in Europe;
2) An inventory of innovative educational practices in citizenship education with a focus on the operationalization of assessment;
3)  A repository of methods for formative assessment that we adapt for usage within citizenship education and prime towards local contextualization;
4) A roadmap to support school teams with implementing formative assessment in citizenship education.
There will be four days of training for teachers
in two partner countries

These set goals will help to achive these results:
1) European perspectives on (assessment in) citizenship education
2) Inventory of innovative educational practices in citizenship education
3) Repository of contextualized formative assessment methods in citizenship education
4) Sustainability great enthusiasm and viability

The project started on November 2021, it will last for 36 months

for more information, go to the project's website

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