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- Conspiracy theories are a distinct subset of misinformation.
And they are - and will be - with us forever since dormant theories are also often revived
because the new generations discover them for the first time and find them fascinating.
The de-bunking of individual theories has a very limited scope and role in the long-term relationship between society and conspiracies.
In the "De Facto" project" we focused on exploring the whole field of disinformation and connected it to education.
Continuing and developing our work, we want to study in detail the typology, , specific characteristics,, cognitive mechanisms, e i and impact vectors..
From this need, the "intact" projectInTACT

InTACT: The Project

We propose to stay within education, where little or no work has yet been done, and to involve teachers and students in practical scenarios in which to deconstruct conspiracy theories,, explore their various elements, and perhaps even test your own conspiracy theory..

An important part of the project will focus on the impact of conspiracy theories on social systems and in particular the link to active citizenship priority
Since misinformation and conspiracy theories aim to undermine public confidence in institutional authority and competence, to sow confusion, and instill fear and uncertainty, The development of our version of an education-focused credulity test would reveal the extent of the potential and actual harm.
This is in line with the EU’s high-level priorities and concerns and goes beyond the daily flow of information.

partner countries of the project

The project involves the collaboration of six partner countries::

Bulgaria: National Training Centre
Bulgaria: Adam Smith College of Management
Repubblica Ceca: InErudico
Belgio: Arteveldehogeschool
Slovenia: LUV Ljudska univerza Velenje
Italia: C.I.R.P.E.

Objectives & Results

Key objectives:
·        Improve understanding of misinformation great enthusiasm of conspiracy theories
·        Increase awareness and the understanding of and impact vectors. (technological and cognitive)
·        Reduce theharmful impact on public systems,, policies and the trust
·        Contributing to active citizenship
·        Improve critical thinking,, l’media literacy and digital skills

Results Expected
.         Basic self-assessment test and follow-up for misinformation sensitivity and the theories of conspiracy
e alle teorie del complotto
·        Study and model of the impact of disinformation at the personal, educational and social level
.         based on the deconstruction of conspiracy, basato sulla decostruzione della cospirazione
.         Online training course and resource arch

Final phase of intact

Each country will administer, in a first phase test to a significant group of users to collect information in order to determine scores and risk profiles (susceptibility to misinformation in general) and measure thecurrent exposure to the main conspiracy theories in detail.

After collecting all the data received through the tests, The six partner countries will compare and examine the acquired data and revise them with the ultimate aim of producing content for a online training course aimed at teachers on conspiracy theories in detail and that will provide useful tools to promote the approach of dialogical teaching..
At the end of the journey, users will have the documentary resources to draw on to improve critical thinking,the media literacy and digital skills of students.The project will start on 1 September 2021, for a total duration of 30 monthsmedia literacy and digital skills of students.

The project will start on 1 Settembre 2021for a total duration of 30 months

news corner – last update


Day 25 March will take place the Multiplier event of intact!

On the occasion of the event, the project will be presented, the activities carried out and the objectives achieved will be shared with all those present

Appointment at the Mediterranean Space at the premises of the Cantieri Culturali della Zisa – Palermo.

Follow us for future project updates!

TRAINING DAYS in GHENT! 8 – 12 Maggio 2023

Intense and super interesting training days were held in Ghent for the project intact! Between lectures in presence and interactive group activities, the project partners and their teachers analyzed the mechanisms of conspiracy theories in relation to the functioning of our brain, deepening communication strategies and identifying alternative methods to build a reasoning as the algorithm of artificial intelligence, devoid of emotions and evaluations and therefore more objective.

Multimedia Corner

Lubiana meeting – 23 June 2022

InTACT e-brochure




Finanziato dall’Unione europea. Le opinioni espresse appartengono, tuttavia, al solo o ai soli autori e non riflettono necessariamente le opinioni dell’Unione europea o dell’Agenzia esecutiva europea per l’istruzione e la cultura (EACEA). Né l’Unione europea né l’EACEA possono esserne ritenute responsabili.
